Videos and other information covering topics in ventilation

I have tied to organise these into a logical sequence starting with theoretical topics and moving to more practical guides. The theory includes some information about ARDS. The practical guides are mostly around the use of the Cavidion PB ventilators used on our unit. These can be found at the link below:

Link to videos describing the use of the PB980 ventilator (The ventilator used on our critical care unit)

Link to videos and other information, including user guides about the Mindray ventilators

Link to videos about our portable ventilators, the Oxylog and Hamilton.

Link to videos describing the use of the Drager theatre ventilators. (Also has check lists)

Link to information about the LTV ventilator

Handbook of Mechanical Ventilation A User’s Guide- Intensive care foundation


  1. Air embolus: a constant threat to life. This video covers information about air embolus. There are many risks around air embolus for critically ill patients. Many of these are preventable with some knowledge of the subject. DURING LISTEN TO THE BLOOD GAS ONE FIRST

2. Arterial blood gases. This video reviews arterial blood gases, it can be watched as two parts because the first section deals with oxygenation and the second deals with acid base balance

3. Introduction to Ventilation- Some basic concepts. In this video we look at some basic concepts of how ventilators work.

Basic functions of a mechanical ventilator. In this video we look at some principles of how ventilators work- how they allow air to get into the lungs and how they cycle between inspiration and expiration.

V Sense and E Sense: How to make breathing easier during weaning from mechanical ventilation.

V Sense and E sense

Setting the I:E Ratios and respiratory rates: This video shows how to adjust I:E ratios. As with the video above it talks about prescribing ventilation, which we don’t actually do.

Use of the Water’s and AMBU bags. I have also included this presentation in equipment but there is some theory in the presentation about how these devices work. This is important if you are going to use these manual resuscitators safely

ARDS: Theoretical considerations. In this video we review some theory about why and how patients get ARDS and this points us to some treatment options set out in the next presentation

ARDS treatment options. Leading on from the last presentation we review some of the options for treating patients with ARDS

(The ventilator used on our critical care unit)