Propofol is dissolved in a white lipid (fat) solution that contains calories. The same fat used in TPN
Propofol is also an anticonvulsant
Giving a 2 ml bolus of Propofol when increasing the rate of infusion or for agitated patients may be helpful and has no risks
Although Lorazepam has a long half life it has no active metabolites that could accumulate in the blood
Midazolam infusions may be run together with Propofol and Alfentanil
Midazolam has active metabolites
Alfentanil is ten times more potent than Morpine
The respiratory depression caused by Alfentanil can be an advantage
Clonidine was first introduced as a hypotensive agent to treat hypertension due to it's central action to reduce blood pressure
Clonidine may help patients withdrawing from drugs or alcohol
Ketamine should never be given to patients with head injuries