Links to other websites

Please find some links to other websites that deal with issues around critical care and intensive care (critical care and intensive care are roughly the same, intensive care tends to refer to the care of sicker patients on ventilators, critical care includes other patients who don’t need ventilators). There are also links to websites offering support for specific diseases. Click on the icons to follow the links.

Information about critical care

Critical Care recovery

When you open this it will ask you for your location- just click the last option- proceed without location

Critical care support network

ICU Steps

Greater Manchester Critical Care Network

This link takes you to some information about critical care, at the end is a link to get to a series of exercises for patients recovering from critical illness- a critical illness often leaves patients very weak

Information for specific diseases


Head injury

Spinal injuries




Guillain-Barré Syndrome

Information to support you

There are lots of staff working on the critical care unit who are here to support you and can also refer you for spiritual or psychological support, there is also information on the rest of the website to support you in this really traumatic time .